It is our privilege to have you join us for worship at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Annapolis, Maryland. Whether you join us in person or via livestream, you enter not as a stranger but as a child of God.
Our church is a member of the Southeastern District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). The word “Synod” comes from Greek words that mean “walking together.”
Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Whether you have found our church website because you are looking for a church home, or you are on vacation and want to worship while away, or you were simply surfing the Net, we are thankful that the God has led you here today!
At Saint Paul Lutheran Church, we believe that God still speaks. He did not leave us alone after He created the world and everything in it. Instead, He continues to show us how He desires to save us and preserve the whole world from all of the trouble it has fallen into.
And never has God revealed Himself more clearly than when He revealed Himself as Jesus Christ! Through the Jesus’ “life work” – most especially His death on the cross and then rising to live again – we have been freed from the terrible cycle of sin, sickness and death. At Saint Paul, we give thanks and sing praise to God for sending Jesus to save us! That is why we call Jesus our Savior and Lord!
Even though “the world as we know it” will come to an end one day, God keeps us safe forever. In the end, we will be fully free of sin, sickness and death. This is God’s promise to everyone He calls to follow Jesus! That is His promise to you, too! Come join us on Sunday as we hear Him speak!
- St. Paul Church Council
Our Sunday morning Divine Service with Holy Communion begins at 9:30 a.m.
To join us via livestream, click here to be taken to the St. Paul YouTube channel. We look forward to seeing you in person again soon.
Updated 5/29/2024
31 Rowe Blvd, Annapolis, MD 21401, US
We see ourselves as a growing congregation, centered on a traditional Lutheran celebration each Sunday of Word and Sacrament, proclaiming the love of God in Christ Jesus to our community and our world, as we respond to God’s love with lives of praise and joyful service. You are invited to come and share with us as we grow!
31 Rowe Blvd, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 268-2400 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:30am-2:30pm
St Paul Lutheran Church-LCMS
31 Rowe Blvd., Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Ph: 410.268.2400
Copyright © 2025 St. Paul Lutheran Church - All Rights Reserved.