Sunday morning worship with Holy Communion begins at 9:30 a.m.
To join us via livestream, click here to be taken to the St Paul YouTube channel. We look forward to seeing you in person again soon.
Advent is the Season of Anticipation! During the four weeks prior to Christmas we anticipate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He comes to us as the Spoken and Written Word of God, he comes to us in the Sacraments, he comes as the Word Made Flesh, the Child of Bethlehem, and we await His Second coming to take us home to be with Him for eternity.
Lent is the 40 day season that begins on Ash Wednesday calling us to focus on our need for a Savior. It is a time of repentance where we acknowledge our sin and ask God to forgive us through the Saving Act of the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.
Holy Week celebrates the Final Week in the Life of Jesus as he dies to make us free to be God’s Children. The Week begins with Passion Sunday/Palm Sunday which gives an over view of the week to come. Maundy Thursday service is held at 7:00 PM on Thursday and focuses on the Institution of the Lord’s Supper and the arrest and trial of Jesus. The service ends in silence and continues the next evening, Good Friday at 7:00 PM, with the focus now being on the suffering and death of Jesus on the Cross. This is the only service which does not include the Holy Communion. This service also ends in silence and concludes on Easter morning with the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
Thanksgiving Eve: 7:00 PM with Holy Communion
Christmas Candlelight: 7:00 PM with Holy Communion
This is a Candlelight Communion Service with special music, adult choir, instruments, and many well-known hymns. Parents are encouraged to bring their children!
The Feast of the Nativity: 10:30 AM with Holy Communion
A joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ for the whole family. The service is filled with many well known Christmas Carols and includes the message of the day.
Use this link below to find out more about the liturgical church calendar.
St Paul Lutheran Church-LCMS
31 Rowe Blvd., Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Ph: 410.268.2400
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